GLB Constructor
0. unregistered token
This error means that the provided token is not recognized by the service.
Obtain a token, or, if you already have one, make sure you entered it correctly.
1. authorization fail
You are not authorized to access this service. Contact support.
2. schema is not loaded
You haven't uploaded the schema yet.
To get started, you need to download the schema and models. Please check the GLB Constructor Service section when getting started.
3. invalid checksum
Checksum does not match the saved model, which means errors occurred while uploading the model.
Try again. If the problem persists, contact support.
4. invalid model type
The field 'data_type' is filled incorrectly. Please check your schema.
5. invalid model id
The field 'data_id' is filled incorrectly. Please check your schema using POST /schema request.
6. model must be in GLB format
The service could not read the file. Check if it's in the right format.
7. unable to load model
Error while parsing the uploaded model.
Try again. If the problem persists, contact support.
8. reading schema error
Error while reading the uploaded schema.
Try again. If the problem persists, contact support.
9. invalid head config
For config template see 3D Face Reconstruction Service.
10. invalid models config
The same rules apply to the models config as to the schema, with the exception that there should only be one ID in the model type list.
Correct config example:
11. invalid model type in request
Request contains model type not declared in the models config.
12. invalid model ID in request
Request contains model ID not declared in the models config, or model was not loaded via PUT /glb. Please check your schema via POST /schema request.
13. invalid head_uv file
Service expects image file.
It is recommended that you use UV texture generated from the 3D Face Reconstruction Service.
14. head_uv file size must be less than 2 Mb
Submitted image file is over the size limit.
15. model file size in custom_models must be less than 50 Mb
Submitted GLB file is over the size limit.
16. invalid file in custom_models
The service could not read the file. Make sure it's in GLB format.
17. invalid json fields in head config
Invalid JSON structure.
It is recommended that you use head config generated from the 3D Face Reconstruction Service.
18. internal error
Internal error occured. Try again. If the problem persists, contact support.
19. internal error: assemble
Internal error occured. Try again. If the problem persists, contact support.
20. missing schema
Upload schema first. Please check the GLB Constructor Service section when getting started.
21. schema error
Schema can contain several possible formating errors:
1. Schema configuration must be enclosed in curly brackets.
For example:
for empty config.
2. Each model type must contain list (enclosed in brackets) of file IDs.
Correct config example:
Wrong config example:
3. All model identifiers must be strings.
Wrong config example:
4. File IDs should be unique for each model type.
Wrong config example:
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